don't live for yourself


He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.

2 Corinthians 5:15


    Christ Jesus didn’t die for us so we could live life how we want. He didn’t redeem us so we can relax and have fun here on earth, and then glorify him in eternity. No, he redeemed us so we can glorify him in the here and now. He has entrusted us with all the benefits of children of God, right now. We have a Father who delights in us, a Savior who intercedes for us, and the Spirit who illuminates our way. If anything should change the way we live, that truth should. Let it sink in for a moment. We are so quick to gloss over the truths that we’ve heard hundreds of times, to brush them off with a casual “amen”. Christian, you have been redeemed, not treated as you deserve, which is eternal damnation, but based on your Redeemer’s perfect life, sacrifice, and love. And that same Redeemer inhabits eternity; his name is Holy. (Isa. 57:15) If these truths would truly sink deep into our soul and take root, our lives would be drastically different!

     Every little thing we do should be in the light of this marvelous grace and love. But just like the Israelites, we are prone to forget our great deliverance, and to grumble. One day we are on fire for the Lord, and the next we are complaining that nothing ever goes the way we want. We are such unreliable creatures! But the beautiful truth is that we serve an unchanging God. A God that will never leave us or forsake us. He is faithful to discipline us when we stray off the path, to show us that apart from Him, all is vanity and a chasing after wind. We should be maximizing our lives for Christ, not learning lessons the hard way by straying after the world. We can’t relax and let sin invade our habits. We have to be diligent to follow after Christ and His Word. It’s not an easy thing to do. It takes abiding in Christ, walking by the Spirit, and crying out for insight and understanding! (Prov. 2:3)

     Take advantage of all the opportunities God gives you to glorify him! He has told us to do all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31), and he will enable us to obey. Be praying as you go about your day. Ask for guidance, for wisdom, for the Spirit. Spend time alone with God, studying his Word. Treat the Bible like what it is: the inspired words of God, able to equip us for every good work! (2 Tim. 3:17) Not just some good works. Every single one. Be ready to live for your Lord, no matter where you are or where he leads you. Even the
most mundane tasks can be maximized to the glory of God. And if you’re lacking joy in obedience, ask the Lord to give it to you! His ears are open to our prayer. (1 Pet. 3:12)

     He died for us so we can be free to obey him and delight in his way! He died for us so we can magnify him. So stop feeling entitled to your selfish pleasures and way of life. Christ died for your sake. The least you can do is live for him.

 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. (1 Peter 2:16)


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